by Brittany Keller | Jun 1, 2020 | Uncategorized
In this episode I’m brutally honest with the truth that you teach people how to treat you. This truth really hit me when I learned it, and you may feel it’s time to audit your circle. Share this with those you care about. Grab your Workbook Now...
by Brittany Keller | Jun 1, 2020 | Uncategorized
In this episode I talk about how if you want to reach your maximum potential you HAVE to learn to put your own oxygen mask on first. This includes self care and filling yourself up with all the feel goods, because you simply cannot pour from an empty...
by Brittany Keller | Jun 1, 2020 | Uncategorized
In this episode I talk about how the belief you have within yourself is crucial, and how you do not have to wait for other people’s approval to get started. I truly believe this is where most people get stuck. Listen while I share my insight on this and...
by Brittany Keller | Oct 4, 2018 | Uncategorized
Are You Resourceful Or Are You Making Excuses? This is where you really need to Just Get Real with yourself and answer this truthfully. Before I jump in I want to let you know there is a clear distinction between two types of mindsets. There is a Broke Mindset...
by Brittany Keller | Oct 3, 2018 | Uncategorized
Success Is In The Cards I have been in the Online Marketing Space for about four years now, I have seen a lot of ups and I have seen a lot of downs and then more downs followed by more ups. This is the cycle of the Entrepreneur. When we have a new idea or a...
by Brittany Keller | Oct 2, 2018 | Uncategorized
What Does Abundance Really Look Like? If you are an 80’s baby like me then you most likely remember the show Duck Tales and the movie The Goonies. When I started learning about abundance all I could ever picture was the opening scene where Scrooge...